Dr. Fenwick Behavioral

Expert on TV and in the News

Dr. Fenwick Speaks or is Featured Regularly in the Media. An Overview of Media Coverage

Explore Dr. Fenwick’s media features, from insightful interviews to impactful discussions on behavior, technology, and well-being. Dr. Fenwick has been featured regularly in the news and during the pandemic played a pivotal role as a behavioral expert on the news reaching over 200 million people with each episode speaking about working from home, new behavioral phenomena and trends, technology, and mental well-being. Rotating Carrousel of media companies and journals who have featured me (TEDx, Forbes, Fox, Deutsche Welle, Business Insider, Al-jazeera News Broadcast, HBR, MIT Technology Review, HR Magazine, NatureSpringer, Frontiers).

Global News Coverage

Will working from home, work?

Can apps put coronavirus in check?

How is the coronavirus pandemic changing the way we work?

Red Flags Green Flags News Coverage

Interview with Dr. Ali Fenwick on Croatian National TV.


How to spot red flags in modern dating

MR Porter

View of my Social Media Content

Online Media

Dr. Fenwick’s social media content has impacted millions of people across the globe. Through his unique style, humor, and engaging content, Dr. Fenwick is able to communicate complex matters in an easy-to-understand and accessible way which has resulted in mass behavioral change and mindset improvement amongst many of his followers. Covering topics such as modern-day relationships, psychology, mental health, and technology.

Industry Recognition
Named one of the Top20 voices in AI Business Transformation & People Transformation

“I predict that in the next 5 to 6 years, if companies don’t make AI in the workplace more human-centric, employees  be less willing to work for these organizations and customers less willing to buy from them as well.”

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